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Learning Library Blog Lead & Transform Diagnostic Tool recognized by EdTech Digest
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Lead & Transform Diagnostic Tool recognized by EdTech Digest

By Jodie Pozo-Olano
May 13, 2015
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Each year, the editors at EdTech Digest scan the education marketplace for the best and brightest tools, leaders and trendsetters pushing forward today’s education revolution. This year, the ISTE Lead & Transform Diagnostic Tool was named as a finalist for the “Cool Tool Award.” The finalists and winners are part of a greater story of 21st-century education transformation.

In the announcement, EdTech Digest wrote, “We are proud to share these cool tools, bold leaders and innovative trendsetters that we hope will inspire learners and leaders everywhere. They are reshaping the education culture, and they are creating a new and better future for students everywhere. We are very excited to recognize them, and we salute them for their achievements.”

Based on the 14 ISTE Essential Conditions, the 14 critical elements for effective technology integration, the Lead & Transform Diagnostic Tool offers education leaders a free data-driven planning tool for transitioning to a technology-rich and standards-ready learning environment.

Used by school and district leaders, the Lead & Transform Diagnostic tool provides data-driven results and personalized recommendations for schools to help identify and prioritize their technology planning and implementation needs. Results are immediate with options for in-depth reporting and customized strategies to help leverage identified strengths and opportunities.

ISTE member and chief technology officer for Calcasieu Parish Public Schools Sheryl Abshire says the Lead & Transform diagnostic tool has been useful to focus efforts, understand the gaps and prepare plans for implementing different types of technologies.

To learn more about the ISTE Lead & Transform Diagnostic Tool and how to effectively plan for technology integration, join our panel discussion at ISTE 2015.

Jodie Pozo-Olano is the ISTE chief communications officer.