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Learning Library Blog 4 things to do before ISTE 2017
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4 things to do before ISTE 2017

By Team ISTE
May 10, 2017
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There are so many rich opportunities at the ISTE Conference & Expo that it can be an embarrassment of riches unless you come with a plan. Fortunately, we’ve got you covered.
Here are four simple steps you can take before you set foot in San Antonio. (Trust us, you’ll be glad you did.)

Step 1: Write down specific learning goals.
Maybe you want to talk with five educators who are running a 1:1 classroom or learn more about robotics. Perhaps you want to find out more about ISTE membership. Whatever your goals are, make sure you write them down before taking the next step.

Step 2: Plan your schedule using the My Favorites planner.
You’ll have more than 1,200 sessions, exhibits and interactive playgrounds to explore at ISTE 2017. Refer to your learning goals as you choose sessions and activities by logging in to the conference site and clicking the star next to the listing in the My Favorites list.
Step 3. Connect on social media. 
Educators light up our social networks during the conference, sending resources and ideas zipping around the web. Engage with us on social media now and you might find some new colleagues to meet up with in San Antonio. Connect with us on:

The ISTE 2017 Network. Participate in discussions about this year’s hottest edtech topics and get help planning for the big event.

@ISTEConnects. Follow us on Twitter and strike up conversations using the #ISTE17 hashtag.

Facebook. Follow us on Facebook and tap into a wealth of shared resources.

Step 4. Download the ISTE 2017 mobile app. 
After June 1, look for the ISTE 2017 mobile app in the App Store or on Google Play. When you're trekking around the Henry B. González Convention Center, the app will become your command center, allowing you to browse the ISTE 2017 program, stay up to date on conference news and gamify your experience.

Now that you’ve done your preconference prep work, there’s only one thing left to do: Get ready for the professional learning experience of a lifetime.