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Learning Library Blog Answers to your questions about the ISTE Board
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Answers to your questions about the ISTE Board

By Laurie Conzemius
September 1, 2016
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The ISTE Board of Directors drives ISTE’s mission to empower all learners in a connected world. With ISTE Board nominations open through Sept. 12, I think it's a good time to answer some common questions about the board of directors and what they do. 

How many board members are there?

Our current board is made up of 12 ed tech professionals who are dedicated ISTE volunteers, each representing of a number of ISTE communities. They have a broad area of knowledge and leadership skills. Each board member now serves up to two three-year terms, and approximately three board members either cycle off the board or are eligible for re-election each year.

ISTE board members have a wide range of expertise and experience and have received many accolades, but at the heart of their service is deep affiliation with the ISTE organization.

How much influence do board members have over the day-to-day operations of ISTE?

The ISTE Board functions under a policy governance model, focusing on the strategic goals (the ends) of the organization. Therefore, board members must connect with members to represent their interests, develop the policies that guide the organization and monitor performance against those expectations, and not to become bogged down in daily operations. In fact, communication between the board and the staff is always through the CEO, and not to individual employees. This process allows the board to focus on the big picture, look forward to the future, consider the values of all members and strive toward the overall ISTE mission.

But you must work awfully hard to put on such a great conference, don’t you?

As much as ISTE board members would love to take credit for the premier ed tech conference, it is our ISTE employees and volunteers who make it all happen each year. During the conference, ISTE board members are busy connecting with members. We want to know what you think the future holds and how you think ISTE fits into that picture. We want to hear how the ISTE organization can support your work. We want to learn what you’re doing to change the face of learning and teaching, and our face-to-face connections during the conference help inform us we guide the future of ISTE.

When do you meet?

The ISTE Board meets quarterly. The summer meeting is before the ISTE Conference & Expo in the host city, and our September and December meetings are held in our East Coast office in Arlington, Virginia. Our spring meeting location varies, so we can use it as an additional “linkage” opportunity with our members, often with visits to schools, conversations with school personnel, affiliates, PLNs, state departments of education and other stakeholders.

What if I have more questions or would like to share my vision?

Please visit our ISTE Board webpage, where you can email individual board members or the entire group. Tweet us at #ISTEboard or reach out to any board member when you see them, either at the ISTE 2017 in San Antonio or at other locations where board members are apt to be found. 

Remember, the future of ISTE lies in the hands of our members. You are the guiding force behind our work. 

Laurie Conzemius is a media specialist and technology trainer in northern Minnesota. She has served on the ISTE Board of Directors since 2012. She chairs the Membership Linkage Committee, which she has served on since 2013, and loves sharing your voice through her service.

ISTE Board nominations are open now through Sept. 12. During this time, ISTE will build a slate of nominees for the upcoming elections. If being a board member resonates with you, find out how to put your name in the hat by visiting the board nominations page or by talking to a current board member.