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Learning Library Blog Are you a future-ready connected educator?
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Are you a future-ready connected educator?

By Team ISTE
October 30, 2015
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As we wrap up another Connected Educator Month, it makes sense to ponder:  What is your future-ready vision for your area of leadership? What aspect of digital transformation are you ready to lead? 

Think about this over the next few minutes as you watch this video blog from Sheryl Nussbaum-Beach, a member of the ISTE Board of Directors and co-chair of Connected Educator Month. While there isn’t a test, there is a call to action, and you’ll want to be ready!

So is your school future ready? Here are the characteristics that future-ready schools have in common:

Collaborative leadership. Distributed, collaborative leadership happens when many people share leadership functions. It means redefining teachers, parents and students as full-fledged leaders in the process.

Personalized student learning. A future-ready vision of teaching moves from “I am the teacher” to helping students chase their passions, empowering them to find their voices online and off.

Robust infrastructure. Progressive infrastructures support the multitude of devices in a classroom or learning environment, allowing students to create their personal learning networks and connect with subject-matter experts from around the world.

Personalized professional learning. This means letting educators or education leaders choose what they want to learn and how. As adults become more do-it-yourself leaders, professional learning will increasingly happen through relationships, from and with each other, through formal as well as informal activities, and from sources outside and inside our situated practice.

What will your future ready plan of action be? Sum it up in 140 characters or less and tweet it out using hashtag #CE15 or #ISTE.