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Learning Library Blog Courtney Pepe: I welcome the opportunity to support bilingual students
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Courtney Pepe: I welcome the opportunity to support bilingual students

By Team ISTE
June 6, 2017
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Many of our presenters come to the ISTE Conference & Expo for the same reason that other attendees come: They love the engagement, learning from peers and electric atmosphere.

We asked a handful of ISTE 2017 presenters to tell us what they like most about the conference and to share a little bit about themselves. Courtney Pepe, district supervisor of educational technology in the Perth Amboy School District in New Jersey, will present the session Using Pokemon Go to Build Student Engagement, Community Awareness and Social Skills. Here’s what we learned about her.

You’re on the way to your next session when your eduhero walks around the corner. The ultimate fan inside of you is screaming for you to stop and chat, but you keep walking. Which can’t-miss session are you heading to?

Tecnologia Para Hispanohablantes: Explore Best Spanish-Language Digital Resources would be the session that I am heading to. I am currently the district level supervisor of instructional technology in Perth Amboy, New Jersey. We are a large urban district with over 10, 000 students. I welcome the opportunity to learn about exciting 21st century tools to support our bilingual and world language students and teachers.

Which of your fellow presenters are you most excited to hear or meet and why?
Debra Peters who is presenting the session What Can a K-2 Student Do on a Chromebook?

I always am impressed by how our young learners are able to adapt to new technology. I look forward to seeing authentic examples of Chromebooks being used at the kindergarten and first-grade levels that I can bring home with me.

What’s your favorite ISTE memory?
During my first ISTE conference in Atlanta in 2014, I was selected to do an ISTE Ignite on the power of play in the 21st century classroom. This was at the height of the Google Glass craze. I used my Google Glasses to remote control a Sphero Robot and shoot the robot into the audience. It was nerve-wracking, but it was disruptive innovation at its best.

Who are your five favorite people or accounts that you follow on Twitter?

  1.  Dr. Monica Burns @classtechtips 
  2. Paul Hamilton @paulhamilton8
  3. @Irvspanish
  4. Alice Keeler @alicekeeler
  5. Eric Sheninger @E_Sheninger

Who is your eduhero?
My eduhero is Dr. Ruben Puentedura, the researcher who created the SAMR framework. In my opinion, the test of true growth model is whether or not it encourages the right conversations to happen to support teaching and learning.  I have had success using the SAMR model to support student engagement and achievement in education so that is why Ruben is my eduhero. His framework helps me help kids.