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Learning Library Blog Historic $1.5 billion increase for school broadband proposed
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Historic $1.5 billion increase for school broadband proposed

By Hilary Goldmann
November 17, 2014
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Today, Federal Communications Commission Chairman Tom Wheeler announced his proposal to increase funding for the E-Rate program — by $1.5 billion! E-Rate, has been helping schools and libraries around the country connect to the internet since its enactment in 1998. The FCC is scheduled to vote on this proposal on Dec. 11, and if passed, E-Rate's annual spending cap will rise from $2.4 billion to $3.9 billion.

" "An investment in education is an investment in our country's future," " said ISTE CEO Brian Lewis. " "Chairman Wheeler's visionary E-Rate proposal, the centerpiece of which is the first major funding increase for the program in 15 years, sets E-Rate on the path to sound financial footing for many years to come. We're grateful to the chairman and his fellow commissioners for their leadership in seeking this critical funding increase, as well as the changes necessary to modernize the E-Rate program itself." "

ISTE members were at the forefront of making the case for this historic funding increase, by submitting comments, tweeting and signing petitions. It is because of these unparalleled and exceptional advocacy efforts that ISTE is able to proudly announce we stand on the precipice of accomplishing our mission to persuade the FCC to #RaisetheErateCap.

Some opposition is already brewing in response to this proposal, and we may need to call on you again to continue to make your voices heard. In the meantime, check out this E-Rate infographic to learn how the changes will affect you. 


