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Learning Library Blog Infographic: Design engaging learning spaces
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Infographic: Design engaging learning spaces

By Michelle Manno
January 15, 2016
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If you want evidence that educators care about the physical setup of their classrooms, look no further than Pinterest, where you’ll find thousands of pinned ideas showing how K-12 teachers have designed their classrooms.

Well-designed learning spaces aren’t just good for ambiance. Studies prove that creative classrooms have a significant impact on student learning. The purposeful use of color alone can decrease students’ eye fatigue and increase their productivity. In fact, certain colors can induce specific moods. For example, blue walls can inspire positive feelings of comfort and security. Blue hues also can potentially increase students’ retention and creativity.

But considerations about classroom design shouldn’t be limited to the four walls of traditional classrooms. As virtual learning gains a foothold in education — more than a quarter million U.S. students are enrolled in fulltime online programs — the definition of a “classroom” must expand to include the digital space.

The quality of screens, audio playback and user experience (UX) have a significant impact on student learning outcomes. The infographic below was created by the USC Rossier School of Education for students in the MAT degree program. It illustrates how teachers can integrate classroom design principles into their lessons to enhance both digital and face-to-face learning experiences. 

The Science of Classroom Design Infographic

Michelle Manno is the communications manager for USC Rossier School of Education. She is also a graduate student, currently earning her master’s in educational psychology. A former teacher, Michelle is passionate about using digital literacy skills to create the next generation of teachers and leaders. Follow her on Twitter @michellermanno.

Want to learn how to create an effective classroom? Read Get Active: Reimagine Learning Spaces for Student Success.