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Learning Library Blog ISTE 2015 in photos: Wednesday
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ISTE 2015 in photos: Wednesday

By Team ISTE
July 1, 2015
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ISTE 2015 wrapped up Wednesday after four days of learning, sharing, inspiring, experiencing and, of course, walking. As usual, it was a big fat conference that drew more than 21,000 registered attendees and industry representatives from 76 nations and over 1,000 learning opportunities.

As of noon on Wednesday, ISTE attendees had tweeted and retweeted 149,000 times using the #ISTE2015 hashtag, uploaded 3,545 #iste2015 photos to Instagram, and sent social media content using #ISTE2015 to more than 40 million people worldwide.

Mathspace, the winner of the ISTE 2015 Ed Tech Start-Up Pitch Fest, was recognized as both the most innovative and the most likely to succeed ed tech startup company at the conference. The finalists in this year’s competition were Education Framework Inc., Cogent Education and Zyrobotics.

Capping off the event was Josh Stumpenhorst’s closing keynote. He urged the audience to take what they’d learned and experienced and put those ideas into action when they return to their schools and districts.

As for all that complaining about restrictions and obstacles that teachers face, Stumpenhorst told them to forget about it. “We can complain about the boxes, or we can build something with them,” he said.

Time to go do that.

 Here are some photos from the final day of ISTE 2015.