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Learning Library Blog ISTE Professional Learning Series
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ISTE Professional Learning Series

By Heidi Ellis
November 7, 2014
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Online learning opportunities presented by members for members on topics ranging from digital storytelling, augmented reality and personal learning communities.

Selecting and Using Developmentally Appropriate Apps in Pre-K and K
Presented by Gail Lovely
Thursday, November 13, 2014, 4-5 p.m. PT
This is part of the ISTE Professional Learning Series, running Nov 13-Dec 18.

Young learners have specific developmental needs to consider. These must be considered carefully when choosing apps and technologies. This session will provide guidelines (with specific examples) for selecting developmentally appropriate apps for our youngest learners. Gail's top ten apps will be shared along with their application in the classroom.

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Promoting Inquiry-Based Learning Through iPad Creation Apps
Presented by Jennifer Schlie-Reed
Thursday, November 20, 2014, 4-5 p.m. PT
This is part of the ISTE Professional Learning Series, running Nov 13-Dec 18.

Learn how and why to integrate inquiry-based learning into your K-12 classroom utilizing iPad apps. The focus will be on the K-5 classroom and tools and tips for engaging elementary students. Apps to be discussed include Book Creator, iMovie, Keynote, and Puppet Pals. In addition, the apps Explain Everything and Educreations are interactive whiteboard and screencasting tools that allow users to demonstrate their learning through annotation, animation, and narration. You will come away with hands-on experiences, sample lessons, and best practices.

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Augmented Reality: Bridging Virtual and Real World Experiences
Presented by Bill Bass
Thursday, December 4, 2014, 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM (Pacific Time (US & Canada)
This is part of the ISTE Professional Learning Series, running Nov 13-Dec 18.

Technology helps to connect people with information and with each other in endless ways. Augmented Reality is yet another way to bridge the virtual and physical worlds and bring different experiences into the classroom. Help your students experience learning in new ways with augmented reality by bridging the virtual and physical worlds using the devices already in their pockets. See how advances in this technology make these experiences more accessible to students of all ages and engage them in creating and adding to their own environment.

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Online PLCs: Staff Development Without the Limitation of Space and Pace
Presented by Michele Eaton and Nathan White
Thursday, December 11, 2014, 4-5 p.m. PT
This is part of the ISTE Professional Learning Series, running Nov 13-Dec 18.

Developing a professional learning community (PLC) for teachers and staff can be a beneficial addition to any professional development plan. PLCs afford more time and space for teachers to learn and collaborate, while also providing opportunities for application and additional support to extend the learning from a traditional staff meeting. In this session, Nathan and Michele will bring unique perspectives to setting up PLCs in your schools and training staff on this different approach to professional development. See examples of how this is facilitated in two different districts to provide additional support, a place for peer collaboration, and a medium for full, asynchronous professional development. Not only will participants receive tips for getting this started in their own buildings and districts, they will also be involved in meaningful discussion on overcoming barriers to this type of professional development.

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The Many Faces of DigitalStoryTelling - BookTrailers, PSAs, Personal Narratives
Presented by Julie Jaeger
Thursday, December 18, 2014, 4-5 p.m. PT
This is part of the ISTE Professional Learning Series, running Nov 13-Dec 18.

Moving students writing and thinking to the top levels of Blooms can be promoted through the creation of Digital Book Trailers, Personal Narratives, and Public Service Announcements. Each has a purpose, intention, and audience that it is trying to influence in some way. Writing with purpose is just one part of the critical analysis. Deciding on just the right image, text, transition, and personal "voice" all lends itself to the rigor involved in this process. Examining Bernajean Porter's 7 steps of Digital StoryTelling and Take 6 Elements guides teachers and students in a meaningful experience.

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