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Learning Library Blog Thank you for being you
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Thank you for being you

By Jessica Medaille
February 1, 2015
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The late puppeteer Jim Henson once said, " "Kids don't remember what you try to teach them. They remember what you are." "

For those of you on the frontlines of education's transformation, who are innovating and pioneering new ways to teach and learn, what you are is exactly what the world needs.

Fifty years from now, teachers will look back at the classrooms of the past with amazement at how far education has come — and they'll have people like you to thank for it. The work you're doing now, the change you're driving, will impact learning for generations.

We at ISTE are so grateful for your courage and creativity, your dedication and drive. To show our gratitude, we're taking the entire month of February to give 28 days of thanks for the educators who are tirelessly reinventing school for the digital age.

Here are just a few ways we plan to give back:

Professional learning opportunities. This month we're kicking off our six-webinar professional learning series presented by ISTE PLN leaders with a special webinar with Flip Your Classroom authors Jon Bergmann and Aaron Sams called " "Five Steps to get you Started with the Flipped Classroom." " Join us on Feb. 18 at 3 p.m. PT.

Daily prize giveaways. Enter daily on social media to win free merchandise from the ISTE store — and a chance at an iPad Air 2!

Free resources. The ISTE website is loaded with resources to help support and guide you in the transformative work you're doing. Master the ISTE Standards for learning and teaching with technology, use the ISTE Advocacy Network to help change the policies that are holding you back, and join vibrant conversations with your fellow educators in the ISTE community.

For us, this month is all about appreciating what you are: a force for change. Thank you for everything you do.

Learn more about exclusive member resources and how to enter the Member Appreciation contest.

Jessica Medaille is ISTE chief membership officer. She is privileged to lead  the ISTE membership and conference staff in developing year- round opportunities to connect and support the amazing work and dedication of ISTE members.