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Learning Library Blog Times are changing and we’re evolving!
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Times are changing and we’re evolving!

By Richard Culatta
September 30, 2020
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In 1979, ISTE began offering our first member magazine, a humble newsletter called “The Oregon Computing Teacher.” Over the years, our magazine has evolved many times, becoming The Computing Teacher, Learning & Leading with Technology, entrsekt and now, Empowered Learner.

Throughout these evolutions, the format and style have been updated to match the needs of educators, but the quality has al- ways remained high. In fact, ISTE’s member magazine has received multiple awards over the years for the quality of the articles and its design.

Today, we find ourselves at another moment when evolution is needed.

For the last year, our team has been weighing the pros and cons of continuing to produce a print-based magazine. I personally love the beautiful layout of the magazine, as well as the experience of finding it in my mailbox four times a year. But there are also some significant drawbacks to the print format.

First, production requires topics to be finalized months ahead of printing, making it hard to adjust to up-to-the-minute member needs. Second, printing our magazine increases our environmental footprint at a time when we’re committed to being re- sponsible stewards of our natural resources. Third, the print format limits our ability to provide interactive content just as ISTE is increasingly using video, audio and other interactive media to share inspiring ideas with the members of our community.

For these reasons, I’m excited to share that starting in January 2021, Empowered Learner will transition from print to a fully digital experience. Based on feedback from members thus far, we’re confident a digital format will serve member needs in a timely, engaging and effective way, allowing us to embed videos, podcasts, webinars and other multimedia content along with articles.

As we evolve to this new format, we’ll be very interested to hear your input and feed- back. We look forward to taking this next step along our continually evolving journey to provide the best materials possible to support your ever-changing teaching and learning needs.

Please share your suggestions for the all-new digital Empowered Learner at

Richard Culatta is ISTE's CEO.