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Top 16 education podcasts

By Jennifer Snelling
December 6, 2017
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The next time you're commuting to or from work, doing the dishes or out for a run, why not bring a little edtech inspiration into your life?

That was the thought behind Todd Sepulveda’s question on the ISTE Commons, a professional learning network for educators. Sepulveda, a curriculum management systems coordinator in Houston, Texas, says, “You can learn so much from podcasts, more than other methods at times ... I recommend anyone who is not utilizing podcasts to grow professionally to try it. It is so much easier than even 2-3 years ago.”

The ISTE community responded and below are a list of suggestions from the discussion.

The Chromebook Classroom. Author John R. Sowash hosts this podcast, which includes guests on subjects ranging from using Chromebooks in makerspaces to starting a student-run Chromebook repair program.

The Cult of Pedagogy Podcast. Sepulveda recommends this one because, “Jessica Gonzalez, who hosts the podcast, is easy to listen to. It’s almost like a friend sharing some information with you ... Hearing stories and interviews with other educators doing awesome things in their classrooms and their campuses compels you to want to better and innovate.”

EdChatRadio. Those familiar with the #EdChat Radio Twitter channel might enjoy catching up on what’s happening via this podcast by BAM! Radio Network.

The EdTech Situation Room. Educators Wesley Fryer and Jason Neiffer discuss how technology news meets educational analysis.

The EdTech Take Out. Hosted by Jonathan Wylie and Mindy Cairney, the podcast features a wide range of topics related to the use of technology in K-12 classrooms and you can access it on demand.

EduAllStars. EduAllStars is a podcast dedicated to interviewing the difference makers in the field of education. Todd Nesloney (@techninjatodd), Stacey Huffine (@techninjastacey) and Chris Kesler (@iamkesler) host the show.

Education Podcast Network. This podcast network is comprised of several shows produced by educators whose goal is to get you to “think about your profession and succeed in the world of education.”

Edumatch. Sarah Thomas’ Edumatch covers a range of topics focused on current themes, such as blended learning, PBL, coding, makerspaces, student engagement, and restorative justice and you can even submit an idea for an episode, says Rachelle Dene Poth, foreign language and STEM teacher and ISTE Mobile Learning Network communications chair. “The episodes are usually between 15-20 minutes, and the different background experiences and perspectives of those on panel make it such an authentic learning opportunity, and one in which you can interact and ask questions of the panel during the live episode.”

Google Teacher Tribe. This podcast discusses ways Google can enhance your classroom. Mason Mason, edtech instructor and teacher from Dallas recommends the episodes hosted by Matt Miller of Ditch That Textbook and Kasey Bell of Shake Up Learning.

Hacking Engagement. James Alan Sturtevant, author of the book Hacking Engagement, hosts this podcast that presents a problem, solution and a way to implement that solution in your classroom. Chris Conant, professional development specialist in Boise, Idaho, says, “They are quick-hitters, so they're great to listen to on the short drive to school.”

The House of #EdTech. Christopher J. Nesi explores how technology is changing the way teachers teach.

The Press Release. The EdTechTeam provides professional development for Apple and Google products.

Teachercast. With topics such as “Preparing Kids for Life ... Not Standardized Tests,” Jeff Bradbury is the creator of TeacherCast and the TeacherCast Educational Broadcasting Network.

Teachonomers: “Chuck Poole offers a few different ways to learn more about education and some really innovative and interesting topics that push your thinking,” says Poth. “There are blog posts, and short podcasts that last between 10 and 12 minutes, and also a Facebook community where Chuck posts a question of the day, encouraging members to share a tip, a favorite educational resource, something motivating, to connect with other educators and more.”

Ten Minute Teacher. Vicki Davis’ popular CoolCat Teacher blog also has a podcast. “I love The Ten Minute Teacher because Vicki Davis always has great guests and/or tips,” says Frank Ferrara Lombard, an Illinois teacher. “After listening to her podcast, I get inspired to try new things or tweek others. Her mantra is ‘Innovate like a turtle.’ So, I don’t feel bad jumping in and slowly trying one of the tips or tools she introduces and see where it goes or I may stick with one that’s working well for me and my students; either way its ok to ‘innovate like a turtle.’

Well PlayEd. Michael Matera of Explore Like a Pirate hosts this podcast about playful learning, gamification and game-inspired course design.

Wired Educator. Kelly Croy hosts interviews on subjects such as homework, Google and building a school culture.

Jennifer Snelling is a freelance writer based in Eugene, Oregon, and mom to two digital natives.