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Learning Library Blog ISTE Members Share the Best Education Podcasts
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ISTE Members Share the Best Education Podcasts

By Jerry Fingal
September 16, 2022
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Podcasts are such an easy way to learn something new, become inspired or just be entertained, but it can be difficult to choose a good podcast because every time you turn around, there’s a new one being hyped.

In an effort to cut through all that clutter and help you choose some podcasts that are right up your alley, we reached out to the educators on ISTE Connect, an exclusive community for ISTE members, to find some good podcasts. Here’s what they shared.

John Heffernan

John Heffernan, an ISTE Community Leader and learning technology integrator from Tipperay ETB in Ireland, offered a list of his favorite podcasts with a global flavor. They include:

The Cult of Pedagogy Podcast - Jennifer Gonzalez interviews educators, students, administrators and parents about teaching strategies, classroom management, education reform and educational technology.

Edufuturists - Three UK teachers host this edtech and education podcast where they look through a future lens.

Inside Education - An Irish teacher educator hosts this podcast where he interviews international education thinkers and practitioners.

TOPcast: The Teaching Online Podcast - A podcast from the University of Central Florida, which came into its own during the pandemic lockdown and transition to online learning.

Teaching in Higher Ed - A podcast aimed at those working at third level but useful for all levels.

UDL in 15 mins - A short podcast usually of an interview with a teacher implementing UDL in their local surroundings.

Educational Research Reading Room - An Australian podcast looking at fundamental education theories to classroom ready strategies from current educational research and practice.

Teachers' Educational Review - Another Australian podcast. This podcast has a number of regular features and in-depth interviews.

Visions of Education - A podcast discussing the big ideas in education.

VR in education - A podcast looking at the use of VR in education with interviews and discussions.

The Evidence Based Education Podcast - An UK podcast looking at research in education.

The Ed Tech podcast - A UK podcast covering schools, higher education and lifelong learning.

EdTech Situation Room - Jason Nieffer and Wes Fryer discuss and analyze technology news through an educational lens.

Ask The Tech Coach - A podcast co-hosted by fellow Community Leader Jeff Bradbury aimed at ed tech and instructional coaches.

The CESI Staffroom - A plug for a podcast that I produce in Ireland. This podcast from the Computers in Education Society of Ireland aims to have a wide-ranging lists of guests, both U.S. and international.

podcasting jump start guide

Ilene Winokur

Ilene Winokur, PD specialist and coach in Kuwait, offered her favorites:

Leading Equity - Sheldon Eakins offers interviews and stories from voices of equity in education today.

The Innovator's Mindset - George Couros, author of the Innovator’s Mindset, explores a wide range of education topics.

Teaching MLs - Tan Huynh talks about empowering language learners.

Getting Smart - Trends, innovations and insights in K-12, higher ed, lifelong learning, leadership, investing and more.

Mindshift - Highlights the innovative – and sometimes counterintuitive – ways educators are helping all children succeed.

Rethinking Learning - Barbara Bray talks with inspirational educators, leaders and difference-makers as they discuss their passion, purpose and journey to define their why.

The Missing Link - Rola Tibshirani shares the pedagogical process and the purpose of connection-based learning.

Chey and Pav Show - Middle school teachers Chey Cheney and Pav Wander take educators and listeners through the “ins and outs” of teaching, learning and leadership.

Journeys to Belonging - Guests talk about creating a sense of belonging in their personal and professional lives.

Sherri Fleischer

Sherri Fleischer, a third-grade TESOL teacher from Los Lunas, New Mexico, enjoys My Edtech Life, where Fonz Mendoza interviews educators about their edtech lives to amplify educator and creator voices.

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Sari Goodman

Sari Goodman, a parent educators, coach and former principal, offered two favorites:

Learn Smarter: The Educational Therapy Podcast - Educates, encourages and expands understanding for parents of students with different learning profiles.

Diverse Thinking, Different Learning - Karen Wilson informs, educates and empowers parents and educators to identify challenges that kids face and then get them on the road to achieving their full potential.

Clayton Ramsey

Clayton Ramsey, a middle school math and science teacher, from Oxford, North Carolina, enjoys Have You Heard?, which features journalist Jennifer Berkshire and scholar Jack Schneider as they explore the age-old quest to finally fix the nation's public schools, one policy issue at a time.

Gretta Sandler

Gretta Sandler, a teacher and teacher trainer at Belgrano Day School, in Buenos Aires, Argentina, recommends these podcasts:

The Edge - ISTE Community Leaders discuss innovative learning, transformational technology and stories of creativity featuring voices you don't normally hear.
Control the Chaos - Tech coach Stephanie Howell and behavior coach Tara Ruckman have real talks about what is happening in today's classroom.

The Edge podcast

Tim Needles

Tim Needles, an instructional technology coach and author of STEAM Power: Infusing Art Into Your STEM Curriculum, likes these podcasts:

Stem Everyday Podcast - Chris Woods interviews educators, authors and innovators who are experts at bringing STEM learning to classrooms, schools and communities.

Learning Unleashed - Carl Hooker interviews ISTE authors and other innovative educators on proven strategies for teaching with edtech.

Teacher Teacher Podcast - Educators and experts from around the world unpack what’s going on in the teaching world.

Easy Edtech - Monica Burns talks about edtech trends, tech-friendly lesson ideas and strategies for community building.

10-Minute Teacher - Vicki Davis, aka Cool Cat Teacher, offers teaching strategies and ideas and interviews with classroom teachers.

99% Invisible - Roman Mars discusses all the thought that goes into the things we don’t think about — the unnoticed architecture and design that shape our world.

STEAM powered learning

Rushton Hurley

Rushton Hurley, executive director of Next Vista for Learning, enjoys The EdSurge Podcast. He writes, “I love the professionalism and detail that Jeff Young brings to the episodes. The topics are often focused on higher ed, but the questions can be intriguing for professionals at any level of education.

“A personal favorite is this one about a student who was having trouble figuring out how to contact the professor of his class, and after trying a different sort of search, learned that the professor had died two years before. The episode, "Is It Still Teaching When the Professor Is Dead?"

“What follows is an exploration of what constitutes teaching on several fronts, and I'd recommend it to anyone who loves a good story and the intriguing questions that accompany it.

“And if you (or any of you out there) like that one, you might also listen to Inside the Booming World Where Students Buy Custom Term Papers. It's one of those where you think you know what's happening, and you find out you had no idea how fascinatingly involved the space is.”

Gotta love a great podcast!