JRTE Special Issue 2023
Reciprocal Issues of Artificial and Human Intelligence in Education
A Special Issue of The Journal of Research on Technology in Education
ISBN: 9781564849892
Length: 148 pages
This special issue of JRTE brings together scholarly research and theory, focusing on contemporary issues related to artificial intelligence (AI) in education. The research presented highlights how AI can support teaching and learning, and how related ethical concerns can be handled.
Guest Editors:
Dirk Ifenthaler, University of Mannheim, Curtin University
Clara Schumacher, Humboldt-Universitaet zu Berlin
About JRTE
The Journal of Research on Technology in Education (JRTE) publishes articles that report on original research, project descriptions/evaluations, syntheses of the literature, assessments of the state of the art, and theoretical or conceptual positions that relate to the field of educational technology in teaching and learning and inform P-16 school-based practice.