Submission Guidelines
Publish with ISTE and help other educators benefit from your expertise. Our publications offer a platform for sharing ideas, research and best practices for using technology to guide students toward deeper learning.
ISTE’s online content hub keeps educators informed about the latest methods for learning and teaching with technology. We’re looking for content written by educators for educators on topics related to integrating digital age skills into schools and classrooms. Learn more about submitting an article or blog post.
ISTE Books
ISTE books are written by experienced educators to provide practical resources for effective technology use and integration within classrooms, schools and districts. Our books incorporate how-tos, lesson plans and in-depth information. Submit a proposal.
ISTELive Conference & Expo
Share your expertise and help transform education by presenting a session at the upcoming ISTELive Conference & Expo. ISTE looks for presentations that advance digital age learning by helping educators leverage technology to empower students. Proposals are accepted during certain times of the year. For more information, please visit our conference website.
Journal for Computing Teachers
The Journal for Computing Teachers (JCT) is published by ISTE's Computing Teachers Network (formerly SIGCT). JCT supports and enhances the mission of the Computing Teachers Network, which includes teaching about computing in grades K-12.
We ask that authors follow some simple guidelines. The JCT Publication Guidelines describe and illustrate the desired format for submissions to JCT. The easiest way to ensure format compatibility is to download the template file and replace the content with your own material.
There are no formal minimum or maximum requirements for paper length. Authors should be able to clearly communicate the desired information. That being said, communication is not always enhanced with more words. Strunk and White (1979) encourage conciseness and clarity. So does JCT.
JCT Publication Guidelines (PDF)
Journal of Digital Learning in Teacher Education
ISTE's Journal of Digital Learning in Teacher Education (JDLTE) provides computer and technology education to preservice and inservice teachers. Produced by experts in the field, JDLTE offers a forum for sharing information about using technology in teacher education among departments, schools and colleges of education. Submit manuscript.
Journal of Research on Technology in Education
ISTE’s Journal of Research on Technology in Education (JRTE) publishes articles that report on original research, project descriptions or evaluations, syntheses of the literature, assessments of the state of the art, and theoretical or conceptual positions that relate to the field of educational technology in teaching and learning. Submit manuscript.