ISTE Customer Support FAQs
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Professional Credentials
- How long is my Instructional Leader Certification valid, and how can I renew it?
The Instructional Leader Certification is valid for 2 years. Renewal is a streamlined process that emphasizes your progress and continued application of the certification competencies in your practice. Instead of completing a full portfolio or retaking the course, renewal focuses on ongoing reflection and demonstrating how you've sustained and advanced your skills.
- ¿Cuál es la diferencia entre una cohorte pública y una cohorte especializada (como HIED, Google, Spanish y Librarian)?
La diferencia entre cohortes públicas y de especialidad radica en su enfoque y audiencia:
Cohorte pública: Abierto a todos los educadores, centrándose en la integración de los estándares para educadores ISTE en las prácticas de enseñanza generales.
- Cohortes de especialidad: Diseñado para audiencias específicas:
Educación Superior (HIED): Se centra en la aplicación de los estándares ISTE en contextos de educación superior. Ofrecido solamente en inglés.
Cohorte española: Ofrecido completamente en español para educadores hispanohablantes.
Cohorte de bibliotecarios: Combina la certificación de educador ISTE con el marco bibliotecario Future Ready, lo que conduce a una certificación dual. Ofrecido solamente en inglés.
Cohorte de campeones de Google: Exclusivamente para Google Champions, centrándose en los estándares ISTE con herramientas y estrategias de Google. Ofrecido solamente en inglés.
Cada cohorte apoya a los educadores para que integren eficazmente la tecnología en sus funciones únicas.
- ¿En qué se diferencia la certificación de educador ISTE?
La Certificación de Educador ISTE se centra en la integración de la tecnología en las prácticas de enseñanza a través del marco de Estándares ISTE para Educadores, garantizando que los educadores estén equipados para aprovechar las herramientas digitales de manera efectiva en el aula.
- What support will I have in the Instructional Leaders Certification Program?
You will have access to two optional office hours per month, where you can:
- Bring your artifacts for review.
- Receive guidance and feedback to ensure your submissions align with the certification requirements.
These sessions are designed to help you stay on track and succeed.
- How will I become an ISTE+ASCD Certified Instructional Leader?
To earn the ISTE+ASCD Certified Instructional Leader credential, you must complete the following steps:
- Access Competencies: During the course, you’ll gain access to all instructional leader competencies.
- Review Requirements: Familiarize yourself with the requirements for certification and plan your submissions accordingly.
- Submit Artifacts: You must submit 15 artifacts aligned to the indicators of the instructional leader competencies.
- Artifacts can be submitted in any order.
- You will have three submission windows within the 7-month course access:
- First submission window: At the 3-month mark.
- Second submission window: At the 5-month mark.
- Final submission window: At the 7-month mark.
- You are not required to use all three submission windows—submit at your own pace within the timeline.
- Please note: Submission Window #3 (Month 7) is your last chance to submit any artifacts that have not yet earned points. After this window, there will be no further opportunities to revise or resubmit artifacts.
- Artifact Evaluation: Once submitted, your artifacts will be evaluated.
- You must pass all 15 artifacts to earn the certification.
Successful submission and alignment of your artifacts will earn you the certification.
- Who reviews my Instructional Leaders portfolio of artifacts?
Your portfolio of artifacts is reviewed by a team of experts who are trained evaluators.
- What happens if I need longer than the 7-month access to finish my Instructional Leader course requirements?
Participants enrolled in a public cohort may transfer to a future public cohort within the same calendar year.
Transfer Deadlines and Fees:
Transfers made within 30 days of the cohort ending: $200 transfer fee.
- What happens if I don’t pass my Instructional Leaders Certification?
If you do not pass, you will need to transfer to another course within 12 months of your initial result. A transfer fee of $200 will apply. This allows you to continue working toward certification. You will not need to resubmit artifacts for any previously earned indicators.
- How much time commitment is required for the Instructional Leader Certification program?
Participants can expect a robust, engaging learning experience.
The Instructional Leaders Certification is an approximate 50-hour commitment.
- What is the difference between an Educator Certification public cohort and a specialty cohort, such as HIED, Google, Spanish, and Librarian?
The difference between public and specialty cohorts lies in their focus and audience:
Public Cohort: Open to all educators, focusing on integrating ISTE Educator Standards into general teaching practices.
- Specialty Cohorts: Tailored for specific audiences:
Higher Education (HIED): Focuses on applying ISTE Standards in higher education contexts.
Spanish Cohort: Offered entirely in Spanish for Spanish-speaking educators.
Librarian Cohort: Combines ISTE Educator Certification with the Future Ready Librarian Framework, leading to dual certification.
Google Champions Cohort: Exclusively for Google Champions, focusing on ISTE Standards with Google tools and strategies.
Each cohort supports educators in effectively integrating technology into their unique roles.
- Who reviews my ISTE Educator Certification portfolio of artifacts?
Your portfolio of artifacts is reviewed by a team of ISTE Educator Standards experts who are trained evaluators. Each evaluator is an ISTE Certified Educator who has completed the certification program and an additional six-month evaluation training program to ensure a thorough and consistent review process.
- How long is my Educator Certification valid, and how can I renew it?
Your ISTE Certified Educator certification is valid for three years. During this time, you will be enrolled in the exclusive ISTE Certified Educator Community. This community is designed specifically for ISTE Certified Educators and offers valuable benefits, including:
Opportunities to deepen your application of the ISTE Standards.
Connections with other ISTE Certified Educators for collaboration and community building.
Access to rich resources tied to the ISTE Standards.
Support for creating standards-based projects to implement in your school or district.
When your certification approaches expiration, you will have the opportunity to renew and maintain your status as an ISTE Certified Educator.
- What happens if I need longer than 6 months to submit my Educator Certification portfolio?
If you need more than six months to submit your portfolio, here’s what you need to know:
Portfolio Deadline: You have six months from the start of your Portfolio Submission Area to submit your portfolio. You can find your due date within the Portfolio Submission course in Brightspace.
Extensions: If you cannot submit your portfolio by the due date, you can extend your submission to the next window for a $25 extension fee.
Maximum Extensions: You may extend your portfolio submission up to three times.
How to get an Extension: Click HERE to purchase an extension.
- What happens if I don’t pass the Educator Certification?
If your portfolio does not meet the minimum passing score of 80% (20 out of 25 criteria), you have the option to resubmit. Here's what you need to know:
Decision Deadline: You have until the 20th of the month to decide if you would like to resubmit your portfolio.
Resubmission Fee: The cost to resubmit is $50. Pay HERE by the 20th of this month.
Revision Timeline: Once you purchase the resubmission, you will have 3 months to revise and resubmit your portfolio.
Late Purchase Reactivation Fee: If you do not purchase the resubmission by the 20th, a $150 reactivation fee will apply.
For any questions or assistance, contact
- After I have submitted my completed Educator Certification Alignment Map in the Portfolio Submission Area, how long until I know if I’ve passed?
ISTE evaluates portfolios every month. Here’s what to expect:
Portfolios are submitted and collected every month from the 1st to the last day of each month
They are then assigned to an evaluation team.
The evaluation process takes approximately 4-6 weeks to complete.
You will be notified of your results once the evaluation is finalized.
- What does ISTE do with our artifacts?
You retain full rights to all artifacts you submit. ISTE may identify exemplary artifacts to share as models for aspiring ISTE Certified Educators.
If ISTE wishes to use one of your artifacts, they will first request your permission and give proper credit to you as the author.
- For the Educator Certification, If a criteria doesn’t explicitly include a digital or tech component, do my artifacts need to include them?
Yes, all artifacts must demonstrate the use of technology. The criteria are based on the ISTE Standards, which focus on transforming teaching and learning with technology. Even if a criterion doesn’t explicitly mention a digital component, your artifact must show evidence of digital-age teaching, leading, and learning to align with the purpose of the standards.
- Are we expected to create something new or can we use something already created?
You can submit artifacts that you have either:
Previously created, or
Newly developed and implemented with learners.
However, you must have created or revised all artifacts within the last two years to ensure they reflect your current practice and align with the ISTE Educator Standards.
- Is there a specific format required for each artifact?
You can use any format for your artifacts, as long as they are:
Submitted digitally.
Included within the required Alignment Map.
The best format for submission is a slide deck or PowerPoint saved as a PDF for clarity and consistency. This ensures your artifacts are easy to view and align properly within your portfolio.
- Can I work collaboratively in groups to submit evidence for the Educator Certification?
The ISTE Educator Certification Program is an individual certification, meaning your portfolio must demonstrate your personal competency in the ISTE Standards for Educators.
While some of your evidence may naturally involve collaboration, if you use shared artifacts, you must provide additional contextualization and a clear explanation of your individual role and implementation of the learning activity. This ensures your unique contributions are fully represented.
- I don’t work with K-12 students. How can I develop evidence that meets the indicators for the Educator Certification?
The ISTE Educator Certification Program is designed for educators working with K-12 students or adult learners. Your portfolio should showcase your professional competency in applying the ISTE Educators Standards in your specific context.
Evaluators will consider your role and learner population when reviewing your evidence, ensuring your submissions align with your professional practice. Whether you work with students or adult learners, focus on demonstrating how you integrate the ISTE Educator Standards effectively in your unique teaching or learning environment.
- What does my ISTE+ASCD Educator Certification journey look like if I completed the online learning through an ISTE+ASCD partner University?
You will be added to a university-hosted course in D2L.
You will complete a short survey to gain access to the Educator Certification Portfolio Submission Area.
- Once you have access to the Educator Certification Portfolio Submission Area, you are encouraged to review and use the resources provided to all learners.
Portfolio Examples
- ISTE in 5! Videos
Videos that review each criteria for your portfolio submission
- Monthly Portfolio Office Hours
The ISTE Certification Team provides four Portfolio Office Hour sessions per month.
All office hour recordings are available in the Portfolio Submission Area.
This ensures you are fully prepared to submit your portfolio.
- What support will I have during the Educator Certification?
Once you have completed the online learning component of your certification and are enrolled in the Portfolio Submission Area, educators:
- Have access to all required portfolio documents
Alignment Map Template
Applicant Guidebook
- Have access to the following support resources
Portfolio Examples
- ISTE in 5! Videos
Videos that review each criteria for your portfolio submission
- Monthly Portfolio Office Hours
The ISTE Certification Team provides four Portfolio Office Hour sessions per month.
All office hour recordings are available in the Portfolio Submission Area.
- Have access to all required portfolio documents
- How will I become an ISTE Certified Educator?
To earn ISTE Educator’s Certification, you must meet the following requirements:
You must submit your Completed Alignment Map that showcases artifacts aligned with specific standards and provides clear evidence of integration into your practice.
Your Alignment Map contains 25 criteria, each worth 1 point, for a total of 25 possible points.
To pass, you must successfully earn at least 20 out of the 25 criteria points.
This ensures you demonstrate competency across the ISTE Standards for Educators.
- What will I need to submit for the Educator Certification?
To earn your Educator Certification, you will need to submit the following:
Completed Alignment Map: This map includes artifacts demonstrating your proficiency in the 24 indicators outlined in the Educator section of the ISTE Standards. Each artifact should align with specific standards and provide clear evidence of integration into your practice.
Reflection Document: This document addresses ISTE Certification prompts and provides insights into your instructional practices, aligning them with the ISTE Standards. This reflection document will be included in your completed Alignment Map.
Both components showcase your ability to integrate technology to enhance teaching and learning effectively.
- How much time commitment is required for the Educator Certification program?
The ISTE Standards for Educators Certification is an approximate 80-hour commitment over a 9-month period.
- How does ISTE Educator Certification differ?
ISTE Educator Certification centers on integrating technology into teaching practices through the ISTE Standards for Educator framework, ensuring educators are equipped to leverage digital tools effectively in the classroom.
- What payment options do I have for registration?
You can pay by check, wire transfer, credit card, or PO.
- What type of support will I receive during the certification programs?
Participants will receive expert coaching and resources to ensure the immediate application of learned strategies in their institutions.
- How much time commitment is required for each certification program?
Participants can expect a robust, engaging learning experience. The Instructional Leaders Certification is an approximate 50-hour commitment. The ISTE Standards for Educators Certification is an approximate 80-hour commitment over a 9-month period.
- How do the certification programs differ from traditional training?
Unlike theoretical courses or vendor-specific training, our programs emphasize hands-on skill development, reflection, and personalized coaching to enhance practical application in real-world settings.
- What key areas does the program focus on for each certification program?
This Instructional Leader Certification focuses on enhancing student learning experiences, leveraging data-driven decision-making, advancing curriculum development, improving teaching quality, and managing innovation and change. While the ISTE Educator Certification emphasizes the effective integration of technology in teaching practices, fostering digital citizenship, and ensuring that educators are equipped with strong pedagogy around best practices with technology to use digital tools to enhance learning experiences.
- Who is the target audience for each certification program?
The Instructional Leader Certification is aimed at school, district leaders and instructional coaches, while ISTE Educator Certification is designed for classroom educators,librarians, instructional coaches, school leaders and higher ed professors of teacher prep and masters programs.
- How does ISTE Educator Certification differ from the Instructional Leader Certification?
ISTE Educuator Certification centers on integrating technology into teaching practices through the ISTE Standards for Educator framework, ensuring educators are equipped to leverage digital tools effectively in the classroom.
- What is the primary focus of the Instructional Leader Certification?
The Instructional Leader Certification focuses on enhancing leadership skills, in educational settings, emphasizing data-driven decision-making and curriculum development.
- How do ISTE+ASCD credentials support the Transformational Learning Principles?
The Transformational Learning Principles (TLPs for short) are a set of evidence-based practices highlighting the most essential elements of effective learning. These principles serve as our North Star, guiding educators to create impactful and joyful learning experiences for all students.
ISTE+ASCD credentials are designed to recognize and empower educators to truly embody and implement these Transformational Learning Principles in their daily practice. Participation in our credentials is your commitment to reimagining learning, creating schools where authentic experiences are prioritized, equity is ensured, and every student has the opportunity to thrive.